Monday, August 07, 2006

Yellow Fever VS asian team (6 August 2006)

talk about yellow fever!

last nite's game was yellow all over.
If anyone on that court hadn't got yellow fever, they sure woulda caught it by the end.
Our opponents were none other than ... F4.

no they weren't, but they sure looked like it, being asian and skinny n all.
and anyway, who m i kidding?
asians look the same anyways, so if i told u that we were playing against F4 and jay chow, you wouldn't be able to argue with me.

skinny those asians may hv been, their stick-figure -esque physiques belied the physical-ness they exhibited.
and push push here and shove shove there.
here a push, there a shove
everywhere a push shove

being the first game of the season, with a new team and new players, AND being shoved in DIVISION ONE, it was a steep learning curve for us all.
as usual, liang came in kicking and screaming, running all over the court.
ok maybe he wasn't screaming PER SE, but he may as well been.
his speed was, as usual, high up there with the speed of light, and his moves were flashy and fancy.
though not as flashy as his trakkies.
liang, buddy, get some shorts next time mate. don'tcha get hot in those trakkies?
and the goal he scored was an ABSOLUTE scorcher.
i saw it all from behind.
he takes the ball up, bit of a dribble, bit of a shimmy, then BANG!
kicks it into the corner so fast that the asian goalie was still daydreaming, wondering where he put that last lee hom cd he was listening to in his hotted up R3, "did i put it in the glove box, or did i leave it in my manbag?"

speaking of fast asians, tell u what.
i neva seen one so all over the place!
the only thing that's as much everywhere as he is, is F4 popularity and merchandise! (c'mon bex get rid of that F4 wallet you bought in thailand!)
this poo brown ivanhoe old boy may be a noob to the team, but he sure ain't a noob to the soccer pitch. He plays in no less than 3 teams!
and each is a different sort : outdoor, futsal AND nets!
this guy is speedy and skilful, pushing the opponents to their LIMIT. zen just chases down every single ball, and some!
these paid off in a goal scored, which pushed our goal tally to a MAGNIFICENT 2!!
pretty hardcore!

speaking of hardcore, how's this for hardcore?!
playing soccer, THEN indoor soccer, THEN basketball??!!!
WHAT THE? is this possible you ask me?
well it is! right here! in KEN!
this guy in the tank plays back-to-back games, and still gives his 110%!
except might wana hold back on that extra 10%, being the slide tackle he beautifully executed, then only problem being that it is ILLEGAL!
nvm it was worth watching you K.O. that asian that was about to score.
talk about putting his body (and boot) on the line.

speaking of putting bodies and boots on the line, peter is BACK as our goalie!
fresh from a life-changing thailand trip, and new glasses to boot (pun intended), this pint sized, spikey haired guy is back for more rendezvous with the indoor soccer ball.
A few near misses, including a whizzer past his ear ("phew that was close i heard the wind!").
Don't worry Peter, you did good! It's just the first game. Can only get better!

Speaking of first game, Daz had his debut on sunday! Riding on the back of his hugely successful touch career (that is still progressing - see albert park), daz brought his fast pace, focussed efforts, AND gelled hair to the indoor soccer arena.
i tell ya, this guy DEFINITELY likes to soccer.
his determination is much the same as it was on the touch field, and didn't disappoint the crowd at all.
and by crowd i mean a few ppl.
and by a few ppl i mean lana.
and quoc and henry.
and our subs.

speaking of quoc and henry and the DBB's , thanks to them for being there if we needed them to play.
ex-capt'n greg also rocked up for a good 'ol fashion kick of the ball.
however, as quoted (by himself) he was "out of it".
who knows what that means...


speaking of captains, justin our co-captain def gave those asians a run for their money.
money that was probably illegally obtained.
cos they're asians.
and all asians are dodge.

justin was all over the ball, trying his UTMOST to dribble past the opponents and score, but their defence line was pretty solid, with a lot of passing back to their goalie.

and by the time we all knew it, it was all over red rover.
the score : 9-2
or something like that.
i can't, for the life of me, remember.

anyways, that was a great first game, good intro into the season, and some things to note and lessons to learn are :
1) we might need more training, especially defence.
2) fitness can be improved. The less huffing and puffing, the better, cos there ain't any straw, stick or brick house to blow down.
and last but not least
3) daz, don't order that canned spaghetti crap at new age again

- i like to soccer

Thursday, August 03, 2006

UU vs ______ [freaky good random team] (19-03-06)

back!...BACK with a vengeance...
just like the wicked wings i had last night

just a tip to all of you out there.
never eat ANY wicked wings the night before your FIRST day at work!
it's a pain in the ass.
("someone get me my haemhorroid floatie chair!")

so onto other less painful (not for peter! as you'll see later) topics... INDOOR SOCCER

we actually started off quite well! ie. we didn't let any goals in for the first 1o or so minutes!
however, the opposition slowly but surely crept up to us, like a looming 7 hour exam on a saturday (who has exams on saturday anyway?!) on all topics medical.
before we knew it we were a couple of goals down.

indeed this was the proverbial fire up our asses (not the wicked wing type thankfully) because it FIRED us up to score the next 2 goals to equalise with them!

in the end however, due to many factors unknown to yours truly (since i don't know much about good tactics OR good play. and anyway, i can't remember.) the opposition managed to get away with 3 goals in quick succession! in 2 minutes! about fast kicking! i can't even kick my pants on in 2 minutes!

the final score : we lost 4 v 9

justin started on the field indeed, bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready and pumped to put in for the team.
as usual his hard running, good positioning and fancy dribbling paid off in a nice goal, right in the back of the net, causing an eruption of supporters to shoot up and shout glee. (the only other eruption being the drink in my open bottle splattering everywhere as i, myself, shot up in the middle of drinking, and shouted my encouragements to the man of the minute. yes, my friends, overspill is never good, even if you are doing it for a winning goal. and even if it's water. and even if it only spills onto your shirt.)

the only thing not so "on-target" and "winning" about justin was his choice of runners.
overheard at the stands of UU supporters : "hey look vic! that guy has the same runners as juzzy! ha-ha! juzzy's gonna be pissed about that!"
(disclaimer : that was ken who said that)

cath as usual was a steady and stable offender, again staying up for some time at our offence end (like a good smell?... she wore deodorant).
but not only did this pint size lady stay up and guard over our offending passes to shoot for goal, she also put tremendous pressure on opponents many times bulkier than herself.
there were a few nail-biting, sit-on-the-edge-of-your-seat, fall-off-your-seat-becos-you-were-on-the-edge-of-your-seat, hit-your-head-on-the-seat-becos-you-fell-off-your-seat moments there where cath cleanly kicked the soft, green, bulbous, elliptical, ball-shaped...
ball ...
to either be skilfully blocked by the opposition's keeper (no kids that's GOAL keeper, not the qudditch keeper type. go home harry potter)
or to narrowly miss the goal. much like how i often narrowly miss the ball trying to kick it.
ok i lie, i miss it completely. by a few metres

our UU team was graced by the ...errr...grace of a new player this day. and this person goes by the name of katie. unfortunately previously plagued by injury to the ankle from netball, katie finally fronted up to her first ever indoor soccer game!
ladies and gents this chick is full on!
she gives EVERYTHING a go!
overheard in the UU stands : "oh i feel so weird! i just feel so unco!"
(disclaimer : that was katie who said that)
BUT did this stop her? did this discourage her into defeat? did this debilatate, destroy, deteriorate and delve her into the depths of despair over her apparent (and self-proclaimed) lack of co-ordination?
NO, my friends, katie was RIGHT in the fray kicking it (pun intended) with the bad boys!
and boy did she give those guys a run for their money!
katie fresh from a successful touch career brought her zippy speedliness (is that a word? i don't know. do you know? who cares.) and her ferocious aggression onto this much-too-small field of indoor soccer. she gave it her all. she blocked many a ball, and mostly stayed back in defence, steady, stable and reliable, much like her own personality (you're a great friend kt!).
and you know, after all said and done, kt gave it her all on her first game and that's all we can ask for! so GO katie! we look forward to her development in the indoor soccer arena, much like her touch career ("katie you're my winger!")

colin, as usual, was consistent in offence mostly, and sometimes venturing down into defence to help out. his lightning moves and fancy tricks and kicks in controlling the ball were dazzling, to say the least. my friends, this guy has some fancy moves, even more fancy than those "metro" female looking asian male pop stars (think F4. which one's the guy? which ones the girl? who knows.) that should be modelling velvet woman's clothes and manbags.
those moves might even be as fancy as that bright green number the queen was wearing to the event she attended as a spectator at the commonwealth games. wait. that wasn't fancy, that was just hideous and glaring.

indeed those moves and skilful manipulation of the ball carried our team to 3 extra goals scored by him! yes that's rite my friends, 3 goals! COLIN YOU ROCK!!!!

unfortunately, our HUMAN wall, andrew, was not able to be present (where were you andrew? we were expecting u -_-; )
BUT, he was replaced by another fantastic unbreakable wall, this one of the female variety : JEN!
i'll tell u wat ladies and gents, if i were to build a tall building and i needed a strong wall, i would definitely get myself a piece of jen! she is one strong, impenetrable wall!
my friends, gone were the previous traces of the damsel in distress from last game. this damsel was back! and she wanted BLOOD!
her legs of steel were stuck into every single opponent that dared venture into our defensive zone! i tell u wat, that was no-mans land : that was JEN'S land!
she just WOULD not let up, would not give up, would not kick the ball out and simply let it fall wherever it did. No she would not rest til the ball was safely into our keeper's hands.

speaking of the keeper...HEEEEERE'S PETER!
wow this guy has no match! he continues to astound many with his courage and bravery to CONTINUALLY place his body in the line of fire of a well executed kick to goal!
my friends, this guy, even tho he stands at a much lower stature than his counterpart, he successfully saves many many potential goals!
there was many a kick that landed the ball, not at the back of our nets, but at the back of peter's stomach as he made yet another eye-watering save!
this guy jus doesn't let up! he doesn't get scared, tired or downcast! he just keeps going!
like an energiser bunny.
except he isn't a rabbit.
and he's hasn't got a battery shoved up his ________ <- (fill in blank with desired orifice.)
and he isn't a clever marketing idea that was marketed into our TVs many years ago, so much so that it is now a term used in daily Australian english conversation.

mandy, tho was sidelined due to her previous game's SHIN-JOBS, was nevertheless still in the game as much as a player, tho this time with her voice. Thanks to mandy for her constant and tireless encouragements and screams (ooohh! aaah! woaaah!) for keeping the players buoyed by her enthusiasm and passion. and letting us know she was still there.
overheard in the UU stands : "wow that blonde chick is so good, wow did u see that she's so good, wow she kicks so hard, i wanna be like her"
well if mandy continues to throw herself into the game as much as she already does, she will rise above that blonde chick and beat her, cos mandy is just FULL ON!

thanks again to all those supporters who made the effort to come out to watch and support us :
brian, julie, aileen, daz, ken

my friends, if you want to experience the joys and excitement, the highs and lows, the hair raising intensity, the mind-numbing frustrations, the electric atmosphere, the cup breaking frustrations, and the overspilling-glee of a goal scored, then get urself down to box hill this thursday for another match of the UU!

i promise you, you will not be disappointed!
unless you paid for parking.
in which case you should be disappointed.
and angry.
just park free in the next suburb and walk.
it's been done before.

Uniting United vs Jagermeister Yobbos (16-03-06)

well i'm gonna give this game report a crack.
I played my first ever game ever on thursday, i don't know much about rules OR tactics but i'm here to give captain greg a break!

well after my FIRST game 2 words i can say : INTENSE and fun

indeed after the game i had to sit myself on the ground and hang around the garbage bin, like an intoxicated drunk on a saturday night in the melbourne CBD at 3am in the morning, waiting to see if my dinner would come back up! for those who are LITERAL-orientated that means : i felt like vomiting!
the reason being : it was intense!

quick play, and following the soft ball around the small court is hard work!

I can't even remember the progress of the game, but basically we lost 2-5.
I'm told this is a really good score considering our old scores, but I thought we were all winners anyway!..except for maybe mandy (more news lata!)

liang and justin were fantastic, running after all the stray balls, and handling the balls with their superior ball handling skills, dribbling up to the front and passing well! This translated into them being our goal scorers, Justin having his FIRST goal in the season ever! (CONGRATS to you!)
Liang's goal was equally spectacular, a boot from the red line, bounced off the right side post and smacked into the back net!... and then bounced back out!

Greg, with all his towering indoor soccer experience and fancy ball handling skills played well, dodging and dribbling around many an opposition player. Great calls and advice called from the sidelines and the court!...not to mention the behind the scenes work, like organising training, getting fixtures and rosters sorted out, sorting out the money (show me the money!)...and being an all round humble, good sports, fantastic example of a captain!

Andrew was the HUMAN WALL! This stoic, courageous character faced down many an opposition, and indeed many a ball... OFF HIS body!... indeed andrew saved many potential goals by simply placing his body (and life?!) on the line! GO Andrew!..Take one for the team...make that 5!
yes!, that's how many andrew blocked! FANTASTIC in defence! Stable and hardy! Ladies, if that's not what u want in a man, i dunno WHAT is...
ok that was random

Cath (or do u like Cat?...or is it just Catherine?) indeed transferred her Touch Footy skills onto the soccer court, at times hanging up the front (like a bad smell?! the opposition) waiting for good passes so she could score (and she very nearly did!), while at other times faithfully and forcefully attacking the ball (not from behind cos u're not allowed -_-; ) and putting GREAT pressure on the opposition! WHo woulda thought that such a little woman could be such formidable intimidation?!

Jen!...another FAITHFUL defender, patiently waiting at the back deceptively like the damsel in distress, but as soon as the ball comes her way, immediately transforms into the BIG BAD WOLF (and all other nightmarish figures u have dreamt of) placing enormous pressure on the looming attackers, blocking many a kicked ball, and giving not ONE inch (even tho they wanted a mile!)...

Mandy...the victim of many a stray leg (INTO SHIN! OUCH!)...TWICE!
at the end of the game, this courageous fighter of a lady sported a huge red mark on the front of her leg so big i could have landed a helicopter on it...if i could fly a helicopter...and if i HAD a helicopter
indeed the first kick she took : she had been set upon by a much larger and bulkier female (twice her weight?!...and more?) and took a roundhouse RIGHT to the shin! OUCH! (WHERE'S THE CALL REF?!)...but did this stop this feisty, competitive (I WANT BLOOD!) lady? my friends, mandy got right back up, muttered some choice words, and jumped right back into it!...GO MANDY!
to be followed up by another swift one to the SAME PLACE on her leg?! (THIS IS GETTING RIDICULOUS REF!) after some coaxing, and some threats of a broken leg, mandy courageously stood up, dragged her now dead leg and proudly sat herself down, STILL playing with us, but now from the sidelines, with her great encouragements (not compliments!)

...and lastly (but DEFINITELY not least, my friends!) PETER!.....3 words : FAN-TAS-TIC!
Peter is a WONDER in the goals!....seriously!...this guy stares down the opponents...AND the ball!...EVEN if it's coming at his head 100 km/h! ...This guy even claims he'll never get his glasses knocked off!...this towering confidence and bravery, i'm sure, pushed his mind to look past the physical pain of getting battered by the ball, to put HIS body on the line, OVER and OVER again!....saving MANY goals!...stupendous reflexes and a body to boot (pun GLORIOUSLY intended!), peter basically saved our team from a 2-20 defeat!....THIS is the importance of a brilliant goal keeper, and my friends, PETER is that MAN!!!
(and NO i'm not gonna say "PETER u da man"...cos that makes me look like i think i'm ghetto...which is sad)
Peter also follows up his mind blowing saves with equally well thought out throws to free players ready to take possession of the ball and take it up to the other goals!

so, my friends, there you have it!
Another mind-numbing, nail-biting, hair-tingling, leg-smashing, arm-twisting...eye-melting, nose breaking ADVENTURE of the Uniting United team!
stay tuned to this space for more action when we take on yet another set of ruff n ready, psyched up, pushed around, wound up opponents THIS SUNDAY in the peaceful, green suburbia of BOX HILL!


p.s. thanks to the following people for supporting us! Your invaluable support and powered up shouting (and random "GO!" calls...wait...that's just me...-_-; ) are instrumental to our high morale and good fun!
Matty, Anna, Daz, Mel

- courtesy of

past team adventures

i will now post the adventures of a team from a different era : uniting united.

i like to soccer

This is the inagural post for the indoor soccer team, "Yet to be Named".
This blog is called : i like to soccer

I've heard on the grapevine that the team is called "Yellow Fever".
That blows.
It makes it exclusive to Asians, and we wouldn't want that would we?
I mean, Asians aren't elite just cos they make the world go round.
Well, they make the pirating world go round.
And the business world go round.
And the glasses world go round.
And the gaming one too.
Did i mention the pirating world?

Ok ok, the name MIGHT be funny, or somewhat amusing or humourous.
In some cultures.
But not really.
Cos i mean, ppl actually DIE from yellow fever.
i've got to get a vaccination soon to immune myself against yellow fever wen i go to south america.
how ironic.
i'm a yellow person going to a brown/white ppl's place, trying to immune myself against yellow fever.
dripping with irony.
it's like ten thousands spoons when all you need is a knife.
ok let's not quote songs now shall we, that's so cliche.
isn't it ironic?
don'tcha think?

and anyway, since when is "immune" a verb?
well it is now.

Anyway, keep your eyes posted to this site for more updates on the adventures (and misadventures) of the "Yet to be named" team.

Til then,
keep your eyes peeled, and your oranges open.

- i like to soccer

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