Thursday, August 03, 2006

Uniting United vs Jagermeister Yobbos (16-03-06)

well i'm gonna give this game report a crack.
I played my first ever game ever on thursday, i don't know much about rules OR tactics but i'm here to give captain greg a break!

well after my FIRST game 2 words i can say : INTENSE and fun

indeed after the game i had to sit myself on the ground and hang around the garbage bin, like an intoxicated drunk on a saturday night in the melbourne CBD at 3am in the morning, waiting to see if my dinner would come back up! for those who are LITERAL-orientated that means : i felt like vomiting!
the reason being : it was intense!

quick play, and following the soft ball around the small court is hard work!

I can't even remember the progress of the game, but basically we lost 2-5.
I'm told this is a really good score considering our old scores, but I thought we were all winners anyway!..except for maybe mandy (more news lata!)

liang and justin were fantastic, running after all the stray balls, and handling the balls with their superior ball handling skills, dribbling up to the front and passing well! This translated into them being our goal scorers, Justin having his FIRST goal in the season ever! (CONGRATS to you!)
Liang's goal was equally spectacular, a boot from the red line, bounced off the right side post and smacked into the back net!... and then bounced back out!

Greg, with all his towering indoor soccer experience and fancy ball handling skills played well, dodging and dribbling around many an opposition player. Great calls and advice called from the sidelines and the court!...not to mention the behind the scenes work, like organising training, getting fixtures and rosters sorted out, sorting out the money (show me the money!)...and being an all round humble, good sports, fantastic example of a captain!

Andrew was the HUMAN WALL! This stoic, courageous character faced down many an opposition, and indeed many a ball... OFF HIS body!... indeed andrew saved many potential goals by simply placing his body (and life?!) on the line! GO Andrew!..Take one for the team...make that 5!
yes!, that's how many andrew blocked! FANTASTIC in defence! Stable and hardy! Ladies, if that's not what u want in a man, i dunno WHAT is...
ok that was random

Cath (or do u like Cat?...or is it just Catherine?) indeed transferred her Touch Footy skills onto the soccer court, at times hanging up the front (like a bad smell?! the opposition) waiting for good passes so she could score (and she very nearly did!), while at other times faithfully and forcefully attacking the ball (not from behind cos u're not allowed -_-; ) and putting GREAT pressure on the opposition! WHo woulda thought that such a little woman could be such formidable intimidation?!

Jen!...another FAITHFUL defender, patiently waiting at the back deceptively like the damsel in distress, but as soon as the ball comes her way, immediately transforms into the BIG BAD WOLF (and all other nightmarish figures u have dreamt of) placing enormous pressure on the looming attackers, blocking many a kicked ball, and giving not ONE inch (even tho they wanted a mile!)...

Mandy...the victim of many a stray leg (INTO SHIN! OUCH!)...TWICE!
at the end of the game, this courageous fighter of a lady sported a huge red mark on the front of her leg so big i could have landed a helicopter on it...if i could fly a helicopter...and if i HAD a helicopter
indeed the first kick she took : she had been set upon by a much larger and bulkier female (twice her weight?!...and more?) and took a roundhouse RIGHT to the shin! OUCH! (WHERE'S THE CALL REF?!)...but did this stop this feisty, competitive (I WANT BLOOD!) lady? my friends, mandy got right back up, muttered some choice words, and jumped right back into it!...GO MANDY!
to be followed up by another swift one to the SAME PLACE on her leg?! (THIS IS GETTING RIDICULOUS REF!) after some coaxing, and some threats of a broken leg, mandy courageously stood up, dragged her now dead leg and proudly sat herself down, STILL playing with us, but now from the sidelines, with her great encouragements (not compliments!)

...and lastly (but DEFINITELY not least, my friends!) PETER!.....3 words : FAN-TAS-TIC!
Peter is a WONDER in the goals!....seriously!...this guy stares down the opponents...AND the ball!...EVEN if it's coming at his head 100 km/h! ...This guy even claims he'll never get his glasses knocked off!...this towering confidence and bravery, i'm sure, pushed his mind to look past the physical pain of getting battered by the ball, to put HIS body on the line, OVER and OVER again!....saving MANY goals!...stupendous reflexes and a body to boot (pun GLORIOUSLY intended!), peter basically saved our team from a 2-20 defeat!....THIS is the importance of a brilliant goal keeper, and my friends, PETER is that MAN!!!
(and NO i'm not gonna say "PETER u da man"...cos that makes me look like i think i'm ghetto...which is sad)
Peter also follows up his mind blowing saves with equally well thought out throws to free players ready to take possession of the ball and take it up to the other goals!

so, my friends, there you have it!
Another mind-numbing, nail-biting, hair-tingling, leg-smashing, arm-twisting...eye-melting, nose breaking ADVENTURE of the Uniting United team!
stay tuned to this space for more action when we take on yet another set of ruff n ready, psyched up, pushed around, wound up opponents THIS SUNDAY in the peaceful, green suburbia of BOX HILL!


p.s. thanks to the following people for supporting us! Your invaluable support and powered up shouting (and random "GO!" calls...wait...that's just me...-_-; ) are instrumental to our high morale and good fun!
Matty, Anna, Daz, Mel

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