Monday, August 07, 2006

Yellow Fever VS asian team (6 August 2006)

talk about yellow fever!

last nite's game was yellow all over.
If anyone on that court hadn't got yellow fever, they sure woulda caught it by the end.
Our opponents were none other than ... F4.

no they weren't, but they sure looked like it, being asian and skinny n all.
and anyway, who m i kidding?
asians look the same anyways, so if i told u that we were playing against F4 and jay chow, you wouldn't be able to argue with me.

skinny those asians may hv been, their stick-figure -esque physiques belied the physical-ness they exhibited.
and push push here and shove shove there.
here a push, there a shove
everywhere a push shove

being the first game of the season, with a new team and new players, AND being shoved in DIVISION ONE, it was a steep learning curve for us all.
as usual, liang came in kicking and screaming, running all over the court.
ok maybe he wasn't screaming PER SE, but he may as well been.
his speed was, as usual, high up there with the speed of light, and his moves were flashy and fancy.
though not as flashy as his trakkies.
liang, buddy, get some shorts next time mate. don'tcha get hot in those trakkies?
and the goal he scored was an ABSOLUTE scorcher.
i saw it all from behind.
he takes the ball up, bit of a dribble, bit of a shimmy, then BANG!
kicks it into the corner so fast that the asian goalie was still daydreaming, wondering where he put that last lee hom cd he was listening to in his hotted up R3, "did i put it in the glove box, or did i leave it in my manbag?"

speaking of fast asians, tell u what.
i neva seen one so all over the place!
the only thing that's as much everywhere as he is, is F4 popularity and merchandise! (c'mon bex get rid of that F4 wallet you bought in thailand!)
this poo brown ivanhoe old boy may be a noob to the team, but he sure ain't a noob to the soccer pitch. He plays in no less than 3 teams!
and each is a different sort : outdoor, futsal AND nets!
this guy is speedy and skilful, pushing the opponents to their LIMIT. zen just chases down every single ball, and some!
these paid off in a goal scored, which pushed our goal tally to a MAGNIFICENT 2!!
pretty hardcore!

speaking of hardcore, how's this for hardcore?!
playing soccer, THEN indoor soccer, THEN basketball??!!!
WHAT THE? is this possible you ask me?
well it is! right here! in KEN!
this guy in the tank plays back-to-back games, and still gives his 110%!
except might wana hold back on that extra 10%, being the slide tackle he beautifully executed, then only problem being that it is ILLEGAL!
nvm it was worth watching you K.O. that asian that was about to score.
talk about putting his body (and boot) on the line.

speaking of putting bodies and boots on the line, peter is BACK as our goalie!
fresh from a life-changing thailand trip, and new glasses to boot (pun intended), this pint sized, spikey haired guy is back for more rendezvous with the indoor soccer ball.
A few near misses, including a whizzer past his ear ("phew that was close i heard the wind!").
Don't worry Peter, you did good! It's just the first game. Can only get better!

Speaking of first game, Daz had his debut on sunday! Riding on the back of his hugely successful touch career (that is still progressing - see albert park), daz brought his fast pace, focussed efforts, AND gelled hair to the indoor soccer arena.
i tell ya, this guy DEFINITELY likes to soccer.
his determination is much the same as it was on the touch field, and didn't disappoint the crowd at all.
and by crowd i mean a few ppl.
and by a few ppl i mean lana.
and quoc and henry.
and our subs.

speaking of quoc and henry and the DBB's , thanks to them for being there if we needed them to play.
ex-capt'n greg also rocked up for a good 'ol fashion kick of the ball.
however, as quoted (by himself) he was "out of it".
who knows what that means...


speaking of captains, justin our co-captain def gave those asians a run for their money.
money that was probably illegally obtained.
cos they're asians.
and all asians are dodge.

justin was all over the ball, trying his UTMOST to dribble past the opponents and score, but their defence line was pretty solid, with a lot of passing back to their goalie.

and by the time we all knew it, it was all over red rover.
the score : 9-2
or something like that.
i can't, for the life of me, remember.

anyways, that was a great first game, good intro into the season, and some things to note and lessons to learn are :
1) we might need more training, especially defence.
2) fitness can be improved. The less huffing and puffing, the better, cos there ain't any straw, stick or brick house to blow down.
and last but not least
3) daz, don't order that canned spaghetti crap at new age again

- i like to soccer

ahahah v.nice post vic!
and i agree with the "spaghetti crap at new age "

u played well urself! get more game time next time and show em who's boss

btw i like the idea of the team being called " i like to soccer"
oh yea wots with the screaming bit lol
i will next time just for you vic.
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