Sunday, October 01, 2006

i like to soccer VS tall Aussie blokes (26 September 2006)

i know someone who actually likes paris hilton's new song.
i know, how wrong.
the guy who likes it is also very asian...
how does that work?

i'll tell you something even more unbelievable.
we won!

i know!..
let me repeat that in case you didn't get that the first time.
we won.
once again my early onset of alzheimers has robbed me of the score by which we won. i think the score was 11-9.
something close.

seriously, it was such an uplifting game.
not only did we win, but everyone on our team scored at least one goal.
and get this.
even I scored a goal.
i know, unbelievable.
but i'll forgive you if you refuse to believe that.
cos i don't either.

seriously, there were goals scored ALL OVER THE PLACE, left right and centre.
almost as many goals as there were people lining up on the first opening day of the new KK in the city. It's near my work, so i walk past it every day, twice.
speaking of KKs, how good was the grand final on sat/!??!
wait. ok you're not in my mind so you don't know how that relates.
you see, the grand final some of us went to the house of mr-pleasure-all-the-ladies to watch the final between the swans and eagles.
accompanying us were 10 boxes of Krispy Kremes!
there were 10 people.
1 box per person.
and not just original glazed, but all samplers.
because original glazed ones are salty.

can't believe the swans went down by one point!
such a nail biting match at the end.
bazza was disappointing, had a couple of misses which prob cost him and his team (morale).

ok enough of that, back to the more important, famous and well-publicised match of i like to soccer vs aussie blokes.
sorry again i forgot the name of the team
i just made it up.
altho i remembered each member of that opposition
there was the "katie-guy". he was the guy with the trakkies that reminded me of katie. the trakkies were purple/dark blue, with two white stripes down the sides. i think adidas.
then there was the big guy, kinda like baz from the swans : big, intimidating and skilful looking, but just didn't capitalise when he needed to.
and there was the "guy-with-the-ass".
the only reason he was called this is because one of the spectators of the female variety commented (out of nowhere and randomly i might add) to me "look at that guy standing there with his ass sticking out"
someone was looking just a bit too much at the players instead of the play.
it's ok _____ . <-- perving spectator remains anonymous.
we know you were just admiring the human body for what it is; the beautiful architecture, the stupendous arcs and curves and the wondrous texture of a body crafted by God.

so i can't be bothered talking about each indiv player each time cos it's just gonna be the same drivel : liang has fancy moves, justin runs hard, greg tackles well and chases the ball hard, peter saves, ken (the tank in the tank) is hardcore, and daz is persistent and reliable.


we all played exceptionally well, and passed beautifully, resulting in all those goals that we scored.

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