Thursday, November 02, 2006

i like to soccer VS como (31 Oct 2006)

i'm so unreliable.
i vaguely remember promising that i would keep this blog up to date with reviews of our thrills, spills and dills on the indoor soccer field.

blame work.
blame tiredness.
blame emo-ness.
blame yourselves.
i don't care.

so anyway how ironic that i pick up where this blog left off at a game where most of our regular players are not playing.
"studying" apparently.
you punks better pass your exams then.

the team that did rock up was fantastic at best, amateur at worst.
that's a really big range isn't it?
oh well, that's the way the game went.

daz, as usual, gave it his best, running hard and being in good positions to NEARLY score some goals. some of his kicks were nice as. much like his new place.
and his new lcd tv.

so we had matty, who only played his 2nd game.
"2 games, 2 injuries" - quote matty
apparently he kicked some guy in the heel.
that really exemplifies matty on the soccer field.
he full on gives it his all, and some!
he is so into it, even though he's damn tired.
and he had SO MANY excrutiatingly close goals.
so many that were JUST blocked by the goalie.
except for that toe bash early in the game, which was a surprise, even to matty.
good job on it.

karl also played his 2nd game.
this guy really is fit. i mean after playing a game of netball, he not only fronts up to an intense game of indoor soccer, but also has the stamina to remain on that field for most of the halves. tell you what, he gonna make a fine fitness instructor.

speaking of fine, how about a goal. MAKE THAT TWO!
by berwick's very own devlin.
first goal was so fast didn't even realised it happened. kinda like the speed of light. except that it's something we actually care about.
the 2nd goal was a full smack into the top left hand side of the nets. it was NOICE.
i was sitting behind the goal, panting like a dog in heat, when the white ball is REELING towards my head. next thing i know my eyes are watering and my nose is dripping.
but that ain't from the ball hitting me, it's from the sheer beauty of the ball placed in the back of their goals giving us a one up on our opposition.
tell you what guys, if that doesn't make your eyes water and nose run, i don't know what will.
oh wait i do.
if i punched you in the face i'm sure you would.
oh and if you get a cold.
damn colds.
what impeccable timing, to get sick right before your 4 day interstate holiday with 3 others.
oh well these kinda things just happen and happen gradually and you don't realise it until you're suffering from it and it's pissing you off.
kinda like global warming.

speaking of warm, i'm sure peter's hands were. in fact, they were HOT. hot to go!
this guy saved many a ball that could have made our scoreline much more weighted towards the opposition. i seriuosly thought that the MVP slip would have gone to at least one of the two goalies, because they were truly magnificent.

speaking of magnificent, yik played his debut match.
good job with your positioning and running.
i think it helps with strategy and positioning of yourself if you watch a lot of sport...
and play a hell of a lot of Athens.

speaking of places outside of melbourne, it's time that i started packing for my trip to my birthplace over this long weekend.
it looks like it's gonna rain, but hopefully all the rain that's supposed to fall in sydney, comes down and pours down on melbourne. God knows we need it.
well our water storages do.
otherwise it's back to watering our gardens in the middle of the night and washing our cars with reused water.
at this rate, in a few years, we'll be spitting in our cups for a drink of water, and pissing on our cars to hose them down.

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